Is Jesus the word of God?
Since Adam and all Old Testament prophets, the bible says when it reads,"and the word of the Lord came to the prophet" ...talking to (old testament prophets).
But when Jesus came into the earth the Holy Bible never said, and the word of the Lord came to prophet Jesus.
Question: Why did this happen?
Answer: Because Jesus is the word of the Lord our God. as it says in John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and word was with God and the word was God.
And in John 1:14 says
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
The word became Jesus the living word walking on earth to preach the good news of God's kingdom to all people.
And in the acts of apostles and Jesus' disciples after His Ascension to heaven, still, the word of the Lord came to them.
In conclusion, Jesus is not just an ordinary man, not just a prophet nor the son of man and God but The living word of God as what John 1:1 referred to as the same God with the father.
This is the greatest revelation ever given by God to me when I meditate on His word back on March 29, 2018